Zheng WEI

I am a second year Ph.D. student of the Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Thrust, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). Before joining HKUST(GZ) in September 2022, I did my master’s research in the School of Oceanography, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, working with Prof. Zhaoru Zhang. I did some work in the air-ice-sea interaction processes in the Southern Ocean. I received my bachelor’s degree of Petrolumn Engineering in the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum.

Now, I am doing large eddy simulations by using software Oceananigans.jl to better understand the mixing processes in ocean boundary layers. I am also interested in how to improve existed turbulence closure models based on our understandings of mixing processes by using 1D water column model – General Ocean Turbulence Model. All of above research are conducted under the guidance of Prof. Qing Li.

This webpage is last updated on Oct. 02, 2023.

Research Interests

  • Ocean boundary layer turbulence simulation
  • Ocean boundary layer turbulence parameterization



  • Guanghua Scholarship, SJTU, 2021.
  • First Prize Scholarship, SJTU, 2020.
  • Outstanding Graduates of Shandong Province, UPC, 2019.
  • China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship, UPC, 2018.
  • China National Offshore Oil Corporation Scholarship, UPC, 2017.
  • Soong Ching Ling Foundation – China National Offshore Oil Corporation scholariship, UPC, 2016.
  • Leadership Scholarship, UPC, 2016.
  • Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship, UPC, 2016.
  • First Prize Scholarship, UPC, 2015.
  • Outstanding student of UPC, 2015
